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Pearl of Wisdom: Austin of Como Classic Pastry

The wedding industry is dedicated to all things sugar, spice, and everything LOVE! One of Delight’s favorite vendors who shares this same outlook on the industry is our good friend Austin Scoles of Como Classic Pastry!

Austin Scoles, owner of Como Classic Pastry

Confused about our Pearls of Wisdom series, let us explain how it works! Twice a week, we showcase, on our social media and blog, some of our favorite vendor friends. We talk about who they are, what they do, and how you can get in contact with them. They also graciously shared their own personal advice for brides regarding the wedding industry and how to better plan your big day! 

Como Classic Pastry is run by owner and cake designer, Austin Scoles in Columbia, MO. He specializes in wedding and events cakes, but also dapples in other sweet treats like gender reveal cupcakes and speciality macaroons, for example! Austin was trained in France and across the United States to master his baking and pastry arts skills while also receiving plenty of awards and recognitions along the way. He even participated in a Christmas Cookie Challenge on Food Network!

When we reached out to Austin regarding his Pearl of Wisdom, he said,

“When planning your wedding don’t be afraid to speak your mind. As event vendors, we are here to make your wedding special. The more we know about you and your style the better! – Austin Scoles, owner of Como Classic Pastry

To get to know more Austin a bit more and check out all his work, go show him some love on Instagram or his website! I book Austin constantly for family events, like my baby shower a few weeks ago or my grandmother’s birthday party! We are so happy to work with vendors who are have now become our friends and we hope you book them too!

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